How a Fiber Connection Enhances Your Online Fitness Experience

The limits of the pandemic inspired many of us to find new ways to stay fit without going to the gym. The gyms and studios came to us. Today, the trend of online fitness is booming. Whether you’re streaming a live class, working one-on-one with a trainer or playing

5 Ways To Reduce Fiber Internet Installation Time

The good news: You're ready to upgrade to fiber internet! You'll soon be enjoying all it has to offer, like increased reliability and a speedier connection. The not-so-good news: You have questions. How is fiber internet installed in a house? How long will it take? Will it be a

How To Extend the Life of Your Smart Devices

Smart devices have become an indispensable part of modern life. So it’s a huge inconvenience when they break down sooner than you expect (and it’s not easy on the wallet, either). Thankfully, there are ways to extend the life of your smart devices and keep them performing at peak

What Is An Optical Network Terminal?

When you’ve decided on new fast fiber internet service, you’ll hear a lot about getting an Optical Network Terminal (ONT) device. You absolutely need an ONT with fiber, but why? What is an Optical Network Terminal? The ONT is a box that sits directly at the entry point to

What Internet Cookies Should I Accept?

Almost every time you visit a website you will get some kind of pop-up or banner asking you to accept cookies or telling you what cookies are used. But what should you do? Just click accept? Decline them all? Or ignore the pop-up and browse on? Let’s take a

When To Use 5GHz on Your Router

Wi-Fi relies on radio waves to connect your devices to the internet. Those radio waves typically operate at one of two frequencies: 2.4GHz and 5GHz. While your router almost certainly has a 2.4GHz network set up, it might not have the 5GHz channel active. If this is the case,

How Does Wi-Fi Work?

Wi-Fi uses radio waves to connect your devices to the internet wirelessly. It’s what allows you to use your smart TV to watch Netflix or your laptop to make video calls without needing a cable between your device and your router. Let’s look a little deeper at how it

How To Safely Sell Your Used Electronics

New electronics are expensive. Old electronics still hold some value. So, why not sell your old laptop, tablet or smartphone to help pay for the latest and greatest model? What’s the worst that could happen? It turns out that the worst that could happen is actually pretty bad. If

Should You Worry When There’s a Data Breach?

Every day you're entering your personal information online. You type in your password to access your email account or give your credit card information to an online storefront. Companies will often store this information, and it's up to them to keep it secure from hackers. But it doesn't always