Rachelle Dragani

About the author

Rachelle Dragani is a freelance writer based in Brooklyn. She has more than 10 years experience covering technology, with a focus on security and innovation in the small business space. Her work has appeared in publications including Futurism, Gizmodo, TIME Magazine, Popular Mechanics, Yahoo, and more.

What Is FAST TV?

Move over, old(ish) streaming services. There’s an even newer way to watch TV. It’s called FAST TV. And like everything in the streaming TV space, it’s constantly evolving. So let’s take a look at what it is, where you can find it and how you can use it to

Top Smart Home Devices To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Hoping to make your home more green? You’re in luck. Every day, new smart home technology is making it easier to reduce your carbon footprint. There are eco-friendly solutions that help our planet, slash your energy bills and better protect your home. From smart systems that save water to

How AI Enhances Your Smart Home Automation

In the market for a new thermostat, doorbell or refrigerator? It’s an entirely different shopping experience than 20 years ago. Now, rather than just getting a fridge that looks nice and keeps your food cold, you’ll have to decide if you also want an appliance that can seamlessly fit

How To Extend the Life of Your Smart Devices

Smart devices have become an indispensable part of modern life. So it’s a huge inconvenience when they break down sooner than you expect (and it’s not easy on the wallet, either). Thankfully, there are ways to extend the life of your smart devices and keep them performing at peak

Predictions on Smart Home Tech to Come

Updated on May 2, 2024 In the ever-evolving world of tech, there’s always new smart home technology on the horizon. The annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas is where we learn about what’s up and coming in the world of cool new products. This show has a

Underrated Video Games of All Kinds

Even the most dedicated gamers can’t play them all. Each year, hundreds of video games are released—thousands, if you count indie games—but it’s typically only a handful that get buzz from casual and committed gamers alike. This happens for tons of reasons. Not every video game gets a giant

Choosing the Right Smart Home Monitoring System To Prevent Floods and Fire

Updated on May 2, 2024 Homeowners face an uphill battle against fires and floods. Insurance prices are rising as quickly as disaster can strike, and just the thought of repairs and rebuilding post-calamity can be overwhelming. Thankfully, there are a growing number of ways to protect your home from

5 Steps To Speed Up Your Browser

Got a web browser that can’t keep up with you? That’s no way to live on the internet. Your browser shouldn’t be slowing down your web searches or making online shopping a drag. Whether you use Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge or another, there are easy ways to speed up

Great Tech Gifts for Gen Alpha

It’s that time of year again—the time to win the holiday season by getting the Gen Alpha tween and almost tween in your life the best gift out there. Sure, buying tech for Gen Alpha is no easy feat. They’ve grown up immersed in tech, and already have strong

How to Get What You Want From a Customer Service Chatbot

Want to get customer service on the line? You can—but it might not be a human. These days, AI-powered customer service chatbots are becoming the customer service contact of choice for businesses in all kinds of industries. AI chatbots can do a lot to help Consider the advantages: AI