Laura Goldman

About the author

is a Los Angeles-based former technical writer turned freelance writer whose words have appeared in Business Insider, Healthline and other websites.

5 Ways To Reduce Fiber Internet Installation Time

The good news: You're ready to upgrade to fiber internet! You'll soon be enjoying all it has to offer, like increased reliability and a speedier connection. The not-so-good news: You have questions. How is fiber internet installed in a house? How long will it take? Will it be a

How To Get the Most From a Customer Rewards Program

You’ve probably seen them in your inbox and mailbox: Those tempting offers to join customer rewards programs. You can earn discounts on store purchases, hotel stays and more. And you can do it all online. Customer rewards programs are very popular with American consumers. About 80% of us belong

4 Things To Know Before You Call Your Internet Customer Service

When you call customer service for help when your internet isn't working or it’s slow or spotty, tech support will ask you some questions so they can get started. But if you’re not a tech expert, it’s hard to know how to answer those questions. To avoid this frustration,

Why Is Getting Fiber Internet Worth It?

Hesitating about signing up for fiber internet? Sure, you have questions. You’ve heard installation is difficult, you’re not a household of gamers, you’re concerned about keeping your phone service and you’re just inclined to stick with the technology you’re familiar with. We know your questions and have the answers

How AI Can Upgrade Your Home Security

While smart home security devices like cameras and locks have been around for a while, these devices are becoming even more efficient, thanks to artificial intelligence (AI). Smart devices enabled with AI collect and analyze vast amounts of information. They then use this knowledge to mimic intelligent behavior, such

Woman holding some moving boxes looking at a phone

Can I Bring My Internet Service to My New Home?

Are you moving to a new home and would like to bring your internet service along with you? The good news is, you're probably in luck. Unless you're moving far away from your current home, you can often keep your same internet service provider (ISP)—and you may even be

Uploading All Day? Why You Need Fiber’s Symmetrical Speeds

You’ve changed the way you use your home internet. These days you’re doing a lot more uploading. So when you’re gaming on multiplayer platforms, broadcasting live content, posting videos to social media, participating in video calls and sending big work files, that’s uploading. Plus, you’re filling your home with

Smart Monitoring Devices You Need for Your Vacation Home

You know how it goes. You check your weather app and discover there’s a huge storm approaching your vacation home. Rather than worrying, now you can know for sure what’s happening. Keep your vacation home as smart as your primary home. Implement smart tools for remote monitoring that goes

Choosing the Best Spot for the Router in Your New House

Congratulations—you’re about to move into the house of your dreams and connect to fiber optic internet. One of the next steps will be finding the best place to put the Wi-Fi router so your internet connection works the way you want it to. The router placement makes all the

How To Do Your Internet Troubleshooting Online

It’s probably happened to you at one time or another: You’re working online, watching a movie or playing a game, when suddenly that awful “no internet” message pops up. Or maybe your usually speedy internet connection has slowed to a crawl. Fortunately, you can often restore your internet connection