Alexa for kids

Alexa Games and Skills for Kids and Families

Kids will be kids. That's why "I'm bored" will continue to be a popular refrain forever and ever. You're always on a quest to solve it. Actually, this is an easy one. And you probably have it in your home already. In fact, a recent survey from Voicebot Research

House and fiber optic cable

What Do I Need to Install Fiber-Optic Internet in My House?

Once you’ve made the decision to connect your services—from internet to TV to phone—via fiber-optic, you’ve done the hard work. Now it’s time to think about the installation. Here’s your guide on getting ready for your install. And having it done professionally by your provider is recommended. It’s much

Weather effects on fiber internet

How Will My Fiber Internet Perform in a Storm?

Updated on May 11, 2023 Of all the reasons you choose fiber—speed, using multiple devices at once, closely matching upload and download speeds—don’t overlook its reliability in storms. When your weather service is telling you that the big snowfall or a hurricane is on its way, with fiber you

A remote

Can One Remote Run My Whole House?

Remember universal remotes for home theater systems? They seemed like magic, commanding the television, DVD player and stereo all from one little device. Now you can extend that magic to your entire home's worth of smart devices, and in some cases you may not even need to touch the

Fiber streaming

What Will Fiber Do For My Streaming?

Updated on May 16, 2023 Officially cut your cable cord? Welcome to the world of streaming. You might think your biggest challenge is figuring out which show to binge next. But even more important: Can your internet service handle the bandwidth streaming demands, all at the speeds you need?

Telecom bill

Decoding Your Telecom Bill

Here comes that cable, phone and internet bill again. Another month of seeing a mix of numbers and names adding up to charges that make no sense. It’s confusing. It’s messy. It’s aggravating.You talk to your neighbor, and she seems to be paying a lot less than you are.

Ethernet cables

What’s the Difference Between Using Ethernet and Wi-Fi to Access the Internet?

Ethernet and Wi-Fi are two different ways to connect a computer to your home network and internet service. Many home routers allow you to connect using either method. Ethernet uses physical cables and can deliver faster speeds, less interference and sometimes better security. Wi-Fi uses signals sent through the

Cell phone robocall

Can I Really Stop Robocalls and Spam?

The phone rings. You’ve been waiting to hear back from your doctor’s office, so you pick it up right away and say hello. After a short period of silence, a recording congratulates you on winning a cruise. Unfortunately, it’s just a robocall scam—so you won’t be packing your bags

Fiber-Optic Internet

What Is Fiber-Optic Internet?

Updated on May 10, 2023 Internet and technology companies have a well-earned reputation for throwing around fancy buzzwords that, when it comes down to it, mean very little for real people. Occasionally, though, something that sounds like it might just be the latest idea from the marketing department really

Laptop computer sitting on a desk

How To Free Up Space on Your Devices (Without Losing Your Stuff)

In the same way real-life clutter builds up around the house, digital clutter (i.e., space-hogging media files, documents, apps, outdated downloads, unused programs) accumulates on our devices. Not only is it harder to locate individual items on a crowded device, but it can also become more difficult to install