Make Online Learning Fun With These Tools
Right now you probably have digital learning going on every day in your house. Your children’s teachers and schools are going above and beyond, but families still have a lot of non-school hours at home to fill.There are lots of resources online for independent learning. Kids of all ages

Essential Technology for Distance Learning
When schools around the country closed this spring, parents everywhere quickly shifted to virtual learning. With most school districts starting with a virtual learning component this fall, it’s time to re-evaluate your home’s technology. These essential technology picks for elementary, middle, high schoolers and college students will help your

Educational Resources from 5 of Your Favorite TV Channels
Time to find some new learning resources? Look to your TV. Networks are putting a lot of energy into amplifying their programming to keep kids’ minds active. Whether they’re devoted to history, science, travel or the arts, many channels are expanding their offerings with specially designed programs, interactive activities,

Using Technology to Stay Connected with Loved Ones
Now, more than ever, we’re eager to find ways to stay in touch with loved ones. You can see the possibilities of a massive family call on screen. But you know the limitations of your less tech savvy family members. Under normal circumstances, you would sit with your grandparents or

6 Tips for Helping Kids Learn at Home
As a teacher, I know that any time kids are away from school, an academic slide can occur. Kids who consistently read, practice math, and write on a regular basis have a huge advantage over those who don’t. And as a parent of two teens, I understand how hard