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3 Smart Home Devices That Will Change the Way You Live

Thinking about maybe having a smart home? You’ve heard about all the things you can do—turn on your lights, kick up your speakers, set your thermostat, see what’s on TV. All conveniences, but not life changing.We think home security devices are really worth going smart. We’ve picked 3 that

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What Kind of Digital Footprint Are You Leaving Behind?

Every single time you go online, you drop bits of information about yourself, and there are a lot of third parties who pick it up and act on it. This is not entirely bad news. Your digital breadcrumbs help you shop online, log onto favorite sites faster, and more

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Is Your Data Safe When You Work From Home? 5 Tips to Consider

We’re in a new world of work.Suddenly, our homes—our familiar homes--are our unrecognizable workplaces.This new arrangement opens up security concerns we’ve never thought about, from social interaction and management to information security.Securing corporate information and data itself is a huge job. So big, in fact, that an entire industry

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6 Tips for Helping Kids Learn at Home

As a teacher, I know that any time kids are away from school, an academic slide can occur. Kids who consistently read, practice math, and write on a regular basis have a huge advantage over those who don’t. And as a parent of two teens, I understand how hard