Helen Anne Travis

About the author

Helen Anne Travis is a freelance copywriter based in Tampa, Fl. A former journalist at the Tampa Bay Times, Helen Anne has written for brands like MIT, Viacom and Mastercard.

How to Turn Alexa Into Your TV Remote

She can play your favorite songs, make your coffee in the morning and help you set your thermostat. But did you know you can also use Alexa to control your TV? It’s one of the 100,000-plus skills you can enable on your Alexa device to make life a little

How Can I Use AI To Plan My Vacation?

Let’s be real: Planning a vacation is no fun. It can take hours to research a destination, read travel blogs and articles, and sort through endless reviews. Then there’s the stress of organizing the information you find and sharing it with your travel companions. Fortunately, a wave of new