Understanding Your VPN
When you first start working from home, this phrase just might throw you: “You need to VPN in.”Let’s unravel that mystery right away.VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. This is your employer’s way of adding a level of security and privacy when you’re sending and receiving all kinds of

The Whole Family’s Online! Get More Out of Your Bandwidth
You might not have to think too much about your bandwidth—the amount of data your home network can send and receive at one time—until you’re working from home. Suddenly, everyone in your family is online taking classes, streaming movies, video chatting, gaming, all at the same time.That’s a lot

How Much Speed Do You Need to Do Your Job from Home?
If your company has asked you to work from home on a temporary basis, and you’ve never done it before, take a minute to make sure your Internet is up to it. Think about how you work and what you need to do online to keep in touch. Different

5 Tips to Get a Stronger Wi-Fi Signal From Your Router
There's nothing more frustrating than a connection that's not cutting it. When the Wi-Fi slows down, check out these tips and tricks to get back up to speed.