Can Somebody Tell Me What Mbps Means?
For your internet speed, this is like miles per hour. Your internet service provider offers speeds in megabits per second, which is abbreviated as Mbps. The speeds are the rate at which data travels between your home’s internet connection and your computer. You’ll experience these speeds in downloads and

Understanding Your VPN
When you first start working from home, this phrase just might throw you: “You need to VPN in.”Let’s unravel that mystery right away.VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. This is your employer’s way of adding a level of security and privacy when you’re sending and receiving all kinds of

The Whole Family’s Online! Get More Out of Your Bandwidth
You might not have to think too much about your bandwidth—the amount of data your home network can send and receive at one time—until you’re working from home. Suddenly, everyone in your family is online taking classes, streaming movies, video chatting, gaming, all at the same time.That’s a lot

5 Tips to Get a Stronger Wi-Fi Signal From Your Router
There's nothing more frustrating than a connection that's not cutting it. When the Wi-Fi slows down, check out these tips and tricks to get back up to speed.

Pay Bills Automatically: How and Why to Use Auto Pay
Automatic bill payment, or auto pay for short, allows you to pay bills automatically and avoid fees. Different kinds of bills will call for different kinds of auto pay. With a bill that fluctuates from month to month, auto pay should be set up through the provider to ensure

How to Buy a TV: 6 Tips to Your Perfect Purchase
Today's TVs use a range of different technologies that have been purpose-built for different types of households, locations, and experiences. Knowing what to look for can help you spend your dollars wisely and get the perfect TV with everything you need and nothing you don't.

Do You Need a Landline? 4 Things to Consider
We get it — you’re in doubt. There’s more to your landline than you think, so before you decide whether or not you need a landline, let's look at what they do and why they're still around