A smart speaker and a piggy bank

6 Tips for Saving Money and Energy with Smart Home Devices

The path to creating a smart home typically starts as a way to automate tasks and increase control. Take buying a voice assistant, for example. You pick up a Google Home or Amazon Echo, featuring Alexa, just to see what all the fuss is about. Then, you buy a


Disney Plus: Shows and Movies for Grown-ups, Too

You know Disney. You love Disney. You grew up with Disney. But it hasn't abandoned you now that you're a full-grown adult. One year and over 60 million subscribers later, the Disney+ streaming app is proving to be steep competition for vets like Netflix and Hulu. There's lots to

A router

How to Know When You Should Reboot Your Router

We pretty much love our routers because they're quiet, dependable, and don't take much effort to maintain. And then someone will tell you that they reboot their router every day, or every week, or every month. What's that all about? While there’s no one simple answer, we have some

Amazon Prime screen on a television

How to Stream Movies Online with Friends and Family

Movie nights with friends and family aren’t canceled, they just look a little different this year. Thanks to online streaming services that let users sync movies with others, you can still get your film fix together. We’ve unpacked all the ways to co-view so you can keep your party

TV remote used for watching fall holiday movies

9 Must-Watch TV Shows for Fall 2020

Earlier this year, COVID-19 forced shutdowns on productions of some of our favorite fall series and we were left without endings. Thankfully, studios have been busy filming (with extra safety protocols, of course) to make up for lost time. Here are some of the most anticipated TV shows for

Fiber internet cable

Top 5 Questions About Fiber Internet

Who doesn’t want fiber-optic internet if they can get it?You’re not alone. Statista reports that fiber adoption rates increased by 22% worldwide in 2019, while online searches for “fiber internet” have been steadily climbing since early 2020, according to Google Trends.You want that fiber-optic service, but you just have

Fiber internet cable and video game remote

Why Gamers Need Fiber-Optic Internet

Getting eliminated in Fortnite because someone gets the drop on you or reacts faster as you sprint around a corner is just a part of the game, but dying during the game because your internet connection isn’t good enough or drops out at the wrong time? That really hurts—and

Member login screen on a tablet sitting on a desk

Password Managers: What Are They and How Can They Help

You believe in online security. You know you need to keep your data safe. The challenge is that you need a password for every single account you have online, from your mortgage to your bank account, health insurance to your car loan—not to mention the 50 different sites where

WiFi router and running shoes with a water bottle for home gyms

How the Most Popular Smart Home Gyms Will Impact Your Wi-Fi

You might be considering a connected fitness system, mobile workout app, or other online platform to help you stay active through the colder months. As you assess the costs and benefits of your new home quarantine workouts, it’s important to consider how they will impact your internet service.Does bandwidth