Top 5 Read-It-Later Apps To Manage Content You Find Online
There are more than 50 billion pages on the internet, according to one estimate. How is one person meant to keep up with it all? The trick is to save the content you want to read in a format that works for you. Read-it-later apps help you do just

What Is An Optical Network Terminal?
When you’ve decided on new fast fiber internet service, you’ll hear a lot about getting an Optical Network Terminal (ONT) device. You absolutely need an ONT with fiber, but why? What is an Optical Network Terminal? The ONT is a box that sits directly at the entry point to

How To Safely Sell Your Used Electronics
New electronics are expensive. Old electronics still hold some value. So, why not sell your old laptop, tablet or smartphone to help pay for the latest and greatest model? What’s the worst that could happen? It turns out that the worst that could happen is actually pretty bad. If

5 Tools To Manage Social Media Posting
There’s a huge difference between posting on personal social media and influencing. A regular Joe can post as often—or rarely—as they like. A professional content creator has to post every single day to build a business. Thankfully, there’s an easy way for influencers to manage social media posting: scheduling.

How To Wipe Your Devices When You Get Rid of Them
Before you get rid of an old wallet, you take out your credit cards, driver's license and family photos, right? The same thing applies to electronic devices. Don't sell that computer, tablet or smartphone without removing your personal data first. Wiping your device is not as hard as it

How To Know if Google Reviews Are Real or Fake
Trying out a new restaurant, hair salon or doggie daycare? You’ll probably head online for Google reviews. But how do you know whether that five-star rave (or one-star rant) is real or fake? We put together this handy guide. Why businesses fake Google reviews Business owners know that you’re

Are You Using the Right Desktop Browser?
About 64% of Americans use the web browser that came pre-installed on their desktop. But there may be a better option. Browsers do a lot more than you think. You might be amazed the difference a new web browser could make. When you’re online, do websites load slowly? Are

How Fiber Handles More Users and More Data at Higher Speeds
Updated on May 10, 2023 There are a lot of advantages to fiber internet. You’ve seen the claims. But for many, there’s only one big advantage: being more efficient when you’re living your online life. It’s particularly important now that we’ve got more people in our homes who are connecting/streaming/gaming/working/creating

6 Classic Board Games To Play Online
As much as we love a good board game night, it can be tricky to make one happen. Friends work late or struggle to find babysitters. Long story short, getting together in person can be tough.Thankfully, there’s another way to play. You can find just about every classic board