Spend Your Holidays With Netflix
Can’t get enough holiday movies and shows this season? If your favorite holiday traditions include settling in for a long winter’s binge watch, Netflix has what you’re looking for. Check out our list of fresh new holiday classics in the making and some you might have missed. There’s plenty

7 Rules for Choosing the Right Fiber Internet Provider
There are tons of reasons to get fiber: gaming with low latency, equivalent upload and download speeds, faster uploads of critical files. But how do you pick the right fiber internet service provider (ISP)? We’ve identified the seven key features you need to look for when you’re researching your

Does a Crew Have To Dig in My Yard To Install Fiber?
Not every fiber installation means digging in your yard. There are two different ways that fiber service is wired to your home: underground and aerial. Depending on where you live and how the provider is bringing fiber directly to your home determines the type of installation you'll have. Let’s

When is Fiber Coming to My Neighborhood?
From more bandwidth to smoother video calls to higher speeds supporting multiple devices in the home, you’ve heard that fiber can make a big difference in the way you experience the internet. Trouble is, it’s not in your neighborhood yet, and you aren’t sure when it’s coming. So how

What Do I Need to Install Fiber-Optic Internet in My House?
Once you’ve made the decision to connect your services—from internet to TV to phone—via fiber-optic, you’ve done the hard work. Now it’s time to think about the installation. Here’s your guide on getting ready for your install. And having it done professionally by your provider is recommended. It’s much

How Will My Fiber Internet Perform in a Storm?
Updated on May 11, 2023 Of all the reasons you choose fiber—speed, using multiple devices at once, closely matching upload and download speeds—don’t overlook its reliability in storms. When your weather service is telling you that the big snowfall or a hurricane is on its way, with fiber you

Decoding Your Telecom Bill
Here comes that cable, phone and internet bill again. Another month of seeing a mix of numbers and names adding up to charges that make no sense. It’s confusing. It’s messy. It’s aggravating.You talk to your neighbor, and she seems to be paying a lot less than you are.

HBO’s The Undoing Delivers Big Screen Talent and a Thrilling Story
Missing that automatic click to HBO when you want to settle in for a binge watch of Nicole Kidman? She’s back. HBO debuts their latest limited series starring Nicole Kidman and Hugh Grant. “The Undoing” debuts October 25th at 9 pm. This can be just what you’re looking for

What Are Data Caps All About?
Every time you go on the internet, you are using and moving megabytes of data. Whether uploads or downloads, you constantly send data to and from your devices. From streaming video to sharing photos to posting on social media to searching for a new book to read, every activity

5 Reasons You Want Fiber Internet Service Right Now
Updated on May 16, 2023 You might be reading this because you’re one of the lucky ones who can choose whether to have fiber or traditional cable internet service. That doesn’t happen in every neighborhood. In your neighborhood, you’re probably hearing that fiber is the way of the future.